Tuesday, 31 August 2021

august reflection

to day we were doing our august reflection we had to write what we have been doing like what we have been reading,what we have been writing about,what we have been doing for maths and some other stuff I found it hard to write about my writing because I did the writing at the start of the mouth.I found it easy to take the selfie.Next time I would do a more recent writing. 

here is my work. 


 To day we were learning facts about the paralympics we watched a video that had lots of facts. I found it easy to find the first  facts because they were at the stared of the video when I opened it up. I found it hard to find the last fact so I had to search up paralympics facts.Next time I  would add more facts to the slide. 

here are all the facts. 


Monday, 30 August 2021

the ecspace

 to day we were doing a maths escape room we had to get the right answer and then find the answer on the answer sheet and it would have a letter if you got all of the answers right then it would make words.I found it hard to do number 6 so I left a question mark.I found it easy to to number one because there was a video of a teacher showing the answer for number one. 

Thursday, 26 August 2021

my alphabetical lock down

 to day we had to list what we do in lock down in alphabetical order.I found it hard to do the letters y,u,x,z and a few others ones  because there are  not that many words  that start with those letters.I found it easy to list a,b and c because there were lots of words that stared with those letters.Next time I would make a alphabetical order of saff I do when I am not in lock down.

here is the slide I did.

plastic free

 to day we were reading books about being plastic free.then after we read all of the stories we had to make a slide saying what plastic is doing to the plant.and what we could do to make us use  less plastic. we also had to include some facts. I found it hard to think of ways to use less plastic.I found it easy to find lots of different facts.next time I would find more ways to use less plastic.

here is the slide that I did.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

scince experiment

 To day the teacher said that we were going to be doing a science experiment we needed a bottle with vinegar in then we put baking soda in a balloon and attached it to the top of the bottle and tipped the baking soda in in and it blew the balloon up  and it made a chemical reaction.

here are some photos of it 

my art

 To day The teacher said that we had to make some art like andy goldsworthy he inspired me to do this art.I found it hard to find the yellow leaves around my back yard because all the other leaves are green and they were just on the ground under the green leaves.I found it easy to do the middle because there were lots of the red berries around my back yard.Next time I would do a different patten.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Truth and faith

 This week for re we had to make a word cloud for what different words can  mean the same as faith and truth.I found it hard to find lots of different words.I found it easy to find lots of  faith words  because when I searched it up there were lots of different words that were like the same as faith.Next time I would chose different words.

here is a photo of my word cloud.

The magic jaw bone

 To day the teacher said that we had to sketch or build a magic jaw bone out of lego.I chose to build it out of lego. the magic jaw bone is the hook that Maui slowed the sun down with so there was more day light.I found it hard to do the curves because there are not many curved  pieces in lego.I found it easy to  do the straight  parts.Next time I would sketch it.

here is the photo of my lego magic jaw bone

Monday, 23 August 2021

The big game

 to day the teacher said that we had to do some thing out side like play catch, go for a run,a walk,play soccer,lay down and look at the clouds.But I chose to play soccer It was a first to ten goal game. I was facing my dad. at the start of the game he got a goal so I was losing  but then I got two goals so then I was wining. at the end of the game the score was 10 7 and I had one.

here is a photo of me kicking the ball.

facts about spiders

 today we were learning about spiders And were finding facts all about them and lots of the different shapes and sizes they come in.I found it hard to pick only 5 facts about them because there were so many different facts.Next time I would pick a different animal or insect to read and write about .I found it easy to chose which animal or insect I could write about.

here is my work from to day.

Thursday, 19 August 2021


 to day the teacher told use to do a puzzle I chose one with two wolfs .I found it really hard at the start because the puzzle was all brown and black and none of the pieces were together.Next time I would choice another puzzle.I found it easy to do the last 10 pieces of the puzzle. 

here is a screenshot of the puzzle.

My author writing

 This week for writing we had to chose a author to write about I chose david walliams. We had to Write a wow fact, their childhood ,there adulthood and how they are famous I found it hard to chose which author to pick because there are so many authors a round the world.I found it easy to find staff about him.Next time I would chose a different author.

Here is my writing from this week. 


Wednesday, 18 August 2021

The assumption of mary.

To day I was doing re about mary we had to choice words from the story to go in a cloud.I found it hard to do the work by myself because it is the first day of lock down.Next time I would choice different words to go in the cloud.I found it easy getting on to the google meet.
here is my work from to day.

my robot

This week for reading we were making  a robot  to solve lots of bad things in the world my robot will help the poor if they are hungry.I made my robot out of shapes my robots name is robot ross.Next time I would make my robot out of boxes.I found it easy to think of ideas that would help.I found it hard to make the robot with all of the shapes. I was learning to infer.

here is my work from this week.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

my writeing

 This week I was doing a report a bout a new zealand athlete I chose varily adams she is a new zealand shot putter and she has lots of medals.she has got one sliver 2 golds and 1 bronze.I found it hard to learn and find out the information about what her live is not in the olympics.I found it easy to find a wow fact.next time I would chose a different athlete. This week I was learning how to paragh.

here is my writing from this week.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

rata plant

 This week we were choosing a native plant to write about and then we put it on a slide.After we are going to get a piece of wood and write what it helps you with how can you make it work and anything else you need to know about the plant.then we will paint the wood and put it next to the plant we chose. I chose the rata plant.Next time I would chose another plant.I found it easy to chose my plant.I found it hard to get all of the information that I needed. This week I was learning to summarise.

Here is my work from this week.


Wednesday, 4 August 2021


 This week for reading we were learning lots of things about japan we had to learn about the people where japan is,the sports that they do,there foods ,animals and  a few other things.i found it hard to find all of the facts that i used.I found it easy to change the back grounds and the fonts.I was learning to skim and scam.Next time I would chose some other slides that we were a loud to pick from.                                         here is my work from this week.