Friday, 5 November 2021


 Today we had to make a gif of why you should where hats and sunglasses.we put saint marys kids in with sunglass that move and hats that move.first we had to make a slide saying be sunsmart @ saint marys then put alk, the summer stuff in.

here is my work.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021


 This week for reading we were learning about parihaka and had to read two stories .If we had head phones we could watch two videos but I did not have headphones.First we used the four words in the speech and put it into a feather because we had to put words into a feather that we think mean peace. I also worked with to of my friends and I will put a link to there blogs down below.

Here is michaels blog

and here is jakes blog.

here is my work from this week's reading.

October reflection

 Today I was doing my october reflection  since october is finished we had to write about what our favorite athlete sport is,how meaning points we earned from october and take a photo of what we are looking like in october.I found it hard to write what my favorite sport is because I liked two of them.I found it easy to write how meaning points we got from this month because of the teacher showed us on the tv.Next time I would add more color to the google drawing.

here is my work.

All saints day

 Yesterday was all saints day so we had to make a poster of all saints day on slides.I made people saying staff about all saints day like Remember the whole world is waiting for saint you.Then I made some  speech bubbles and people were saying what all saints day is then I changed the back ground to rainbow and the speech bubbles to rain bow.

here is my work from today.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Frida kahlo art

This week I was doing frida kahlo art we had  to draw a picture of her we put earrings necklaces and if we wanted we could put patterns on her shirt but I did not want to do any patterns on her shirt.Then had to paint her first we painted her hair then her face then all the other staff. we made the flowers out of tissue paper which is a little bit like tissue but it is longer and harder to rip.I found it hard to do the flowers because I did not know how to fold it.Next time I would do patterns on her shirt.I found it easy to draw her neckliss.
here is my work from this week.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Rat island 3

Today we were doing our 3rd rat island blog post to day we had to make a google form a google form is  something that will ask you question about something and then you try and put the write answer in.But to day I was making my own one first we had to write the question then put the pionts you get if you get the question wrong.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Rat island 2

 Today we were doing our second blog post about rat island this time we read the first chapter of the book in the book. The captain asked him what the crew mates were talking about the crew were all ways talking  about the captain and how mean he is. But he did not want to get all of the crew mates in trouble so he said that they were talking about trease.The captain said that he thought he was lying to him. Then after we read the first chapter of the book we had to remake the scene on a google drawing.I found it tricky to find a good pirate to insert.Next time I would put in more crew mates. I found it easy to put the captain in because he was one of the first pirates. 

here is my work.

rat island

 Today for reading we had to look at a book cover title and blurb and say if we would like to read the book. And if we did why we would like to read the book by just looking at the title blurb and cover .I wanted to read the book by just looking at the cover  blurb and title because it looked really intereting.Next time I would add more color to the piece of paper that I did it  on.I found it tricky to write why I liked the cover because I kind of just liked the look of it for no reason.I found it easy  to say why I liked the blurb because there were so many interesting things about the blurb

here is my work.

Friday, 1 October 2021

zombie apocalypse

 On monday this week when I showed up to school I soor a caution sign. And every one was  wanting out side of the class.then when I got closer I saw that the decks where flipped with slim all other them at first I thought it was a crime seen were a robber had broken in but then the teacher said she had set up a zombie apocalypse.Then we had to get in groups I chose 3 people there names were jake,michael and jacob you had to some how survive.I found it hard to find away to get water because there was not that much clean water.I found it easy to survive the first day.Next time I would try to stop the zombie apocalypse faster.

here are the slides that my group did.

Thursday, 30 September 2021

My september reflection

 Today I was writing my september reflection because it is almost the end of september we had to write about what book we are reading  a selfie for what we are looking like in september what we are doing in my classes zombie apocalypse and a few other things.I found it hard to chose what I am proud of because I am proud of lots of things this month.I found it easy to rate the mega monster because it is a good book but is not the best so it is a rating  4 for me.Next time I would change the background and make it look better.

here is my september reflection 


Friday, 24 September 2021

my alien

 This week for reading I had to read books and watch videos then we had to make our own ufo, wanted poster for an alien or make our own alien I chose to make my own alien his name is bob the blob.I mad him green with different types of green like light green dark green and one more type of green.I found it easy to draw the rams because they are just like sea weed.I found it hard to draw the aliens face because of the shape that it is.Next time I would add ufos in  the background and other aliens.

here is my alien.

my speech

 This week my class was doing speeches.we stood up in front of the class and read our speeches out then they would say two things about how it was good and then one thing you try and work on.My speech was about why I think that take aways are better then home cooked food I put three reasons why I think that and then I did a video of me reading my speech.But when the teacher said if we made it to the semi finals she did not say my name so that meant that I did not make it to the semi finals

here is me reading my speech.


Friday, 17 September 2021

cyber smart blog

This week for cyber smart we had to make it easy for people to say places in maori. First we had to figure out what the veggie was a potato .Then we had to make our own mote on how to say a certain place that has a maori name for it and I chose I put raw then toe and at the end put rooa.Then we had to say the longest place name in maori it was really hard to say and long.

here is my cyber smart. 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

maori maths

 This week I was doing maori maths we were going to go out side and look for shapes but then it was raining so we had to find the shapes in side then put it on a slide and write the english name and the maori name.I had buddies there  names were michael,jake and jacob.We also had to do a maori quiz of the days in a week it took me 2 tries then I got it right.I found it hard to get the days of the week  days right straight a way.I found it easy to find the simple shapes around the class room.Next time I would try to get the days of the weeks right first time. 

here is my  work.

my reading

This week  we were doing reading we had to read two  books a bible reading and watch a video then we had to make a slide that our whole reading group was on we had to write about how newzealand did not let chinese people in  the country.Then we did another slide and we said that if we think girls should be aloud to play ruby or not.I found it hard to do two things in one week because we also needed to wait for our whole group to finish.I found it easy to do the no girls aloud doc because I think girls should definitely be able to play rudy. next time I would make the docs look nice with different fonts and back grounds.  

here is my reading for this week.


Friday, 10 September 2021

Is the big bad wolf guilty

 to day were learning how to plan perswayfis writing .we were making a plan to make people think that the   big bad wolf is guilty or is not guilty.I think that the big bad wolf is not guilty because the animal law is different to the human law.I found it easy to think of at least one reason why he is guilty and why he is not guilty.I found it hard to chose if he was guilty or if he wasn't guilty.Next time I would change the font and back ground.

here is my brain storm.

Monday, 6 September 2021

kylah escape room

 Today we had to do an escape room it was made by some one called kylah who is in my class.we had to take photos of animals that were in the escape room and we also had to answer questions to escape.I found it easy to get most of the questions write.Next time I could try to get all of the  questions write first time.I found it hard to find the door in some of the rooms. 

here are some of the photos of the animals.


cats vs dogs

Today I had to write a brain storm about which is beater cats or dogs I chose to do dogs because they are more help fall.I got two buddies to do it with me there names where michael and daniel.I found it hard to find reasons why cats are worse then dogs .I found it easy to find reasons why dogs are better then cats.Next time I would chose cats.

here is my brainstorm for cats vs dogs   

Sunday, 5 September 2021

fathers day

 to day I was making a fathers day card. I draw balloons love hearts and a cake. IN found it hard to draw the front cove because the bubble letters are hard to draw next time I would make a picture on the back of the card because the back was plean.I found it easy to draw the cake and balloons.  

here is my card.

Thursday, 2 September 2021

my maths

 To day we were learning our times tables we made a times table sheet I we also played a kahoot if you don't now what a kahoot is it is just like a quiz.I found it hard to get all of the questions write because I only know times tables up to the 6x tables.I found it easy to do my own times table sheet.Next time I would take my time.

here are some screenshots of the kahoot.

And here is my times table sheet.

pen pale

 To day we had to make a note for a friend or family member it is called a  pen pal. because we have not seen them in along time so we told them what we have been doing.I found it hard to chose with friend I would give it to but then I decided to give to  give my friends his name is jake.I found it easy to do half of the note because the teacher stared itv for us.Next time I would choice another on of my friends.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

stop motion

 to day I had to make a stop motion I had a buddy to do it with his name is michael  we made to lego  two people making each other and then they find treasure and opened the chest.Next time I would do a different thing like use play doh.I found it hard to find out how to use stop motion.I found it easy to think of an idea.

here is my stop motion.


Tuesday, 31 August 2021

august reflection

to day we were doing our august reflection we had to write what we have been doing like what we have been reading,what we have been writing about,what we have been doing for maths and some other stuff I found it hard to write about my writing because I did the writing at the start of the mouth.I found it easy to take the selfie.Next time I would do a more recent writing. 

here is my work. 


 To day we were learning facts about the paralympics we watched a video that had lots of facts. I found it easy to find the first  facts because they were at the stared of the video when I opened it up. I found it hard to find the last fact so I had to search up paralympics facts.Next time I  would add more facts to the slide. 

here are all the facts. 


Monday, 30 August 2021

the ecspace

 to day we were doing a maths escape room we had to get the right answer and then find the answer on the answer sheet and it would have a letter if you got all of the answers right then it would make words.I found it hard to do number 6 so I left a question mark.I found it easy to to number one because there was a video of a teacher showing the answer for number one. 

Thursday, 26 August 2021

my alphabetical lock down

 to day we had to list what we do in lock down in alphabetical order.I found it hard to do the letters y,u,x,z and a few others ones  because there are  not that many words  that start with those letters.I found it easy to list a,b and c because there were lots of words that stared with those letters.Next time I would make a alphabetical order of saff I do when I am not in lock down.

here is the slide I did.

plastic free

 to day we were reading books about being plastic free.then after we read all of the stories we had to make a slide saying what plastic is doing to the plant.and what we could do to make us use  less plastic. we also had to include some facts. I found it hard to think of ways to use less plastic.I found it easy to find lots of different time I would find more ways to use less plastic.

here is the slide that I did.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

scince experiment

 To day the teacher said that we were going to be doing a science experiment we needed a bottle with vinegar in then we put baking soda in a balloon and attached it to the top of the bottle and tipped the baking soda in in and it blew the balloon up  and it made a chemical reaction.

here are some photos of it 

my art

 To day The teacher said that we had to make some art like andy goldsworthy he inspired me to do this art.I found it hard to find the yellow leaves around my back yard because all the other leaves are green and they were just on the ground under the green leaves.I found it easy to do the middle because there were lots of the red berries around my back yard.Next time I would do a different patten.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Truth and faith

 This week for re we had to make a word cloud for what different words can  mean the same as faith and truth.I found it hard to find lots of different words.I found it easy to find lots of  faith words  because when I searched it up there were lots of different words that were like the same as faith.Next time I would chose different words.

here is a photo of my word cloud.

The magic jaw bone

 To day the teacher said that we had to sketch or build a magic jaw bone out of lego.I chose to build it out of lego. the magic jaw bone is the hook that Maui slowed the sun down with so there was more day light.I found it hard to do the curves because there are not many curved  pieces in lego.I found it easy to  do the straight  parts.Next time I would sketch it.

here is the photo of my lego magic jaw bone

Monday, 23 August 2021

The big game

 to day the teacher said that we had to do some thing out side like play catch, go for a run,a walk,play soccer,lay down and look at the clouds.But I chose to play soccer It was a first to ten goal game. I was facing my dad. at the start of the game he got a goal so I was losing  but then I got two goals so then I was wining. at the end of the game the score was 10 7 and I had one.

here is a photo of me kicking the ball.

facts about spiders

 today we were learning about spiders And were finding facts all about them and lots of the different shapes and sizes they come in.I found it hard to pick only 5 facts about them because there were so many different facts.Next time I would pick a different animal or insect to read and write about .I found it easy to chose which animal or insect I could write about.

here is my work from to day.

Thursday, 19 August 2021


 to day the teacher told use to do a puzzle I chose one with two wolfs .I found it really hard at the start because the puzzle was all brown and black and none of the pieces were together.Next time I would choice another puzzle.I found it easy to do the last 10 pieces of the puzzle. 

here is a screenshot of the puzzle.

My author writing

 This week for writing we had to chose a author to write about I chose david walliams. We had to Write a wow fact, their childhood ,there adulthood and how they are famous I found it hard to chose which author to pick because there are so many authors a round the world.I found it easy to find staff about him.Next time I would chose a different author.

Here is my writing from this week. 


Wednesday, 18 August 2021

The assumption of mary.

To day I was doing re about mary we had to choice words from the story to go in a cloud.I found it hard to do the work by myself because it is the first day of lock down.Next time I would choice different words to go in the cloud.I found it easy getting on to the google meet.
here is my work from to day.

my robot

This week for reading we were making  a robot  to solve lots of bad things in the world my robot will help the poor if they are hungry.I made my robot out of shapes my robots name is robot ross.Next time I would make my robot out of boxes.I found it easy to think of ideas that would help.I found it hard to make the robot with all of the shapes. I was learning to infer.

here is my work from this week.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

my writeing

 This week I was doing a report a bout a new zealand athlete I chose varily adams she is a new zealand shot putter and she has lots of medals.she has got one sliver 2 golds and 1 bronze.I found it hard to learn and find out the information about what her live is not in the olympics.I found it easy to find a wow time I would chose a different athlete. This week I was learning how to paragh.

here is my writing from this week.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

rata plant

 This week we were choosing a native plant to write about and then we put it on a slide.After we are going to get a piece of wood and write what it helps you with how can you make it work and anything else you need to know about the plant.then we will paint the wood and put it next to the plant we chose. I chose the rata plant.Next time I would chose another plant.I found it easy to chose my plant.I found it hard to get all of the information that I needed. This week I was learning to summarise.

Here is my work from this week.


Wednesday, 4 August 2021


 This week for reading we were learning lots of things about japan we had to learn about the people where japan is,the sports that they do,there foods ,animals and  a few other things.i found it hard to find all of the facts that i used.I found it easy to change the back grounds and the fonts.I was learning to skim and scam.Next time I would chose some other slides that we were a loud to pick from.                                         here is my work from this week.

Friday, 30 July 2021

my writing

 This week for writing we were picking an animal to write about I chose the white tiger. first we did a brain storm. and got things of web sites like were they live what they look like and a wow fact. then wrote our stories. The teacher said we needed to put in a wow fact, a title and  paragraph.also what family it belongs to.I found it hard to get lots of the facts.

here is the story.

The white tiger belongs to the bengal family.And also the big cat family

white tigers have the same face as a normal tiger but it is white they have blue eyes and pink paw pads.

white tigers eat wild boar,cattle,goats,and deer.

you can find white tigers in india,bangladesh,nepal and bhutan.

did you know that there are only 200 white tigers left in the would.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

The olympic games

 This week for reading we were finding facts about the olympic games.we watched some videos and read some books we learnt how there is a fourth medal and who gets it. I found it hard to get all of the facts and to do all 6 of the slides. I found it easy to do the first slide the facts time I would add lots of the people that have gotten medals for new zealand and do it on a doc. We were learning to skim and scam. 

here is my work for this week.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

My mascot

 Today we were making a mascot for new zealand be cause we are in the olympics. we had to make your own mascot for new zealand   my mascot's name is cool  kiwa. The first thing I did was the head then the beak ,then the body and all of the other staff.I found it hard to  do a circle head because of it keeped on going out of the circle.I found it easy to do the cap because its got easy shapes to draw and is pretty small.I chose a kiwa because we get called kiwas and that is our native animal.


Monday, 5 July 2021


 For the last 3 and a half weeks my class has been learning how to code our own games. I have not done much progress from the last blog post I did of my gamefroot.

play my game here

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


 For the past 3 weeks my class has been coding our own games I have still not finished my game but I have almost finished my first level. I found it hard to code the gravity because of when I jumped it was like there was an invisible barrier. but then some one in my class called james showed me way It was happening.I found It easy to code the background because you did not have to code that much on it.The next time I code the game I am going to add things that you can die from. In the future when I have finished my game I hope there will be 4 or 5 levels in it and I will hopefully make another game.,click here to try my game out: here

June Refection

To day we were doing our june reflections. we had to write what our favorite bits of this month were and write what we were doing for reading,writing,and maths.We put a self of what we look like from this month.I found it hard to do my game fruit and my mathas. I found it easy to write what we were doing for reading.Next time I would change the is my work.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Financial literacy

 This week for mathas we  were learning about Financial literacy. A man called callum came in and he talked about money and what types of things we could do to get it .he said that most kids my age get a round 15 dollars a week. he was part of the asb get wise group. he talked about a thing that is called the 3 sss they stand for strengths,solve and start. then he said you can get in groups that go up to 3 people. I got in a group with two of my friends there names were jake and michael. we thought of an idea were we would do youtube about gaming cause we are quit good at it.But then the teacher said that you have to be 13 or have an adult with you.  so we could do our idea but there was no time to do a new idea.Then calum said put up your hand if you want to show your idea to the class.Then after that his time was done in our class.

here's my work from this week.


 This week for reading we about matariki in new zealand and in one more country. And then we had to write what are different things and what are the same things about the two country.I chose a story that is called the onion wives it is about 9 wives that ate to many onions so there husbands   kicked them out and but then they regretted there decisions but they had disappeared in to the sky. 

here is my work. 

Student-led conference invintation

This week we were making student-led conference invitations I gave my invitation to my mum and dad.they are coming So they can  see what I'm learning about I am going to show them my blog and some other things that I have done in term 1 and term 2. This week we were learning to shape the text. we made our own avatar  we had to make it look like us. we had to put in what times they can book how they can book and where they would come.It was easy to do the writing because of we just did almost the exact  same stuff as what the teacher did. but I found it hard to put the card together.
here's the inside.

Friday, 18 June 2021


 This week for art we were doing some of tom ferdos work. we were learning to use both sides of the paint brush, long brush strokes, bright colours, bold lines and tints and direction. we were blending lots of the colours with white to make them look real. for the hair we mixed the orange and the red together.we could make the eyes green,blue or brown. I picked blue because it looks the best to me. I found it hard to stay in the lines and blend the colours together. I found it easy to draw the lips and colour them in with the paint brush.  next time I would do some different colors because lots of them were the same as what the teacher used or the same as tom fedro. The last step of the art is to do the black lines.

Here is my art for this week.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Maths - Measurement

 This week for maths we were learning to  do measurements. We had to measure how long our desks were, how tall the window was, how tall the door was, how tall we were and our buddies. My buddy's name was Baxter.. My buddy was taller than me and his feet were bigger than my ones were. Some things we used to measure were a metre ruler, cm rulers and a measuring tape. We used the metre ruler more than the other rulers. 

here my work is.

The Minotaur.

 This week for reading we had to read a story about a prince and a monster called the minotaur. The king was sacrificing people to the minotaur so a prince wanted to kill the Minotaur because he did not want any one to get sacrificed any more. When he had finished the maze he sar the minotaur. It was a big battle but then he killed the minotaur. But he jumped off into the ocean. 

We also had to do a wanted poster, I had a buddy that did it with me his name is Michael. We made our own person and his name is Snake Eye. He has weakness and strengths. We stared to do a maze but we did not want to finish it because was to hard. We also did one more thing did - a slide that my whole group worked on but some were away. Willow was only there for one day so she did not finish in time. we are learning to infer. Infer means to found the answer to a question that is not in the text necessarily. Here is the wanted poster. 


and here's the slide.

how honey is made

This week for writing we were doing explanation writing you got to pick a topic of what you want to explain I wanted to explain how honey is made. we had to make a diagram and show the different parts of the think we were doing  we had buddys to pear assessment with my buddys name was michael. There was a sheet that your buddy would write on there were two things they think you did good on and one they think you need to work on.And then you do that to them  his topic was about why giraffes have purple tongues.

this is the diagram I used.


                                                    How honey is made

Honey starts as flower nectar.that bees get that gets broken down into simple bits of  sugar bees get nectar by sucking plants and flowers they store the nectar in a place called the honey stomach and then when the bees get a full load they go back to the hive. A bee can take two minutes to do all that.

Friday, 4 June 2021

christmas time in samoa

 This week for reading we had to write what we do in zealand ,samoa and  scotland for christmas. we were learning how to infer I found it hard to infer and I found it easy to write what me and my family do at christmas time. In scotland they sing christmas carols and in samoa they go to church to see there families.

my tapa cloth

This week is samoa week so we did some samoa art the teacher showed us some different patterns that they do. Then we draw the patterns on a piece of paper we had to do two patterns each  then color in some of it with crayon. And in the last little bits we dyed. This only took me like one day.  

Thursday, 3 June 2021


 This week we did sketchings I stared to do a kitten but it was to hard so then i tried one more time but i did not like it so I did a  wolf and that took me one try. There were lots of things you could do here are some you could pick a kitten,wolf a penguin, gorilla,a seal and a dolphin and some other ones.  

My Piskel Spirte

This week Mrs Torrie came into our class and showed us how to use Piskel Sprite, we were making our own sprite so that we could use it if we ever coded a game. My spirits name is Jet man, he is not finished yet as I ran out of class time. I like the piskel app because you can make a lot of different things. My first spirit was way to small and the next ones face I did too big. If you do this remember to save it and change the sizes to both 128.I will add the finished one to my blog when I finish 

Here is my Sprite, Jet Man.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

car time line

 This week we were learning about the past the future and the priest so we had to do a time line and a future car that has never been invented before. my idea was that there is a litte car the size  of a toy but then you put in on the road and it will turn in to a cool normal size car.

I found it hard to found out what year the cars where made in on the time line and what size they should be on the slide so that they will be the same size.when I was doing my pitre on the paper I did my own logo I hope you like.

I found it easy to draw the picture ,the logo and the little tiny car on the time line I found it easy to get all the images and to change the background 

Next time I would change the back ground on the slide to a timeline or a tiny car. Or even a 2020 car my favorite car is the newest car.

Friday, 14 May 2021

The luge

 This week for writing we were making a hook to hook the reader in to get there attention. 

Next time I would add more smiles and adjectives so that the reader would keep wanting to read more.

I found it hard to add in some thing that would hook the readers attention so they would want to keep on reader more.

I found it easy to use onomatopoeia in my sentences and  in my brainstorm I used a smile.

Remember that this is only the introduction. Does it make you want to read the rest of my recount?


Friday, 7 May 2021

sign of the cross

 Today we were making a side or a video to show the 5 year olds how to do the sign of the cross. I chose to do a video with a buddy.  Me and my buddy did the sign of the cross with the wrong hand a lot.

I found it hard to use the correct hand doing the sign of the cross,  because some times the camera would flip the right way or some times it would not flip the right way.  So we just did a slide with the instructions on so the teacher could read it to the kids.

I found it easy to do the slide instead of the video and pictures, because we have done the sign of the cross so much I am used to doing it.   Then I just wrote what I would say if I wasn't doing instructions, and with a buddy it was even easier.

Next time I would just do a picture or video but I would make sure that I used the correct hand and hope that it flips the way I would want it to.  Otherwise I could do a slideshow showing another prayer.   

culture week

 This week I was learning about peoples cultures and traditions in my class.

I found it hard to learn facts about scotland and all the other places that people came from in my class.

I found It easy to write about nessie the loch monster.

Next time I would change the  country that I do it on so I can learn new facts and share them with you.

do you know what culture you are from if you do leave the answer in the comets. 

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

march realfiction

easter story

 this week I was learning about the easter story 

I found It tricky to stay in the lines in the coloring in .

I found It easy to do the video  .

next time I would change the colors

have you ever done a puppet show be for .

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

term one goals

I have been setting goals for term one.
have you tried to set goals be for if you have what were they for.
here's my work 

Monday, 12 April 2021

marae trip

this week I was learning about the history of the marae we went to.
I found it hard to found the picture in  the background.
I found it easy to write about the marae trip.
next time I would change the background and the pictures.
have you ever been to a marae before tell me in the comments. 

Friday, 26 March 2021

Te Kuri a Paoa.

 I was learning about Te Kuri a Pada and how to blend pastels.

I found it challenging to draw him and to blend the colours in to each other.

I find it easy to draw the background and the patterns. 

Have you ever tried to draw a dog before? Please tell in the Comments.

Here's my art work!

Friday, 19 March 2021

optical illusion

This week I was learning to make connections between what we read.
I found it tricky to understand how optical illusions happen and way they happen. 
I found it easy it to make the background have black and white on it and to make circle. 
My digital objects  that I can embed optical illusion slides.  
Next time I would change my background and make it more colorful.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

my favorite sport

  to day for cybersmart we were learning to use mote.

I Found it hard to chose my favorite sport but i chose soccer.

I Found it easy to use moete for the first time.

my digital objects  shows that  I know how to use mote.

next time i would change my background and font 

have you done a slide using mote before?


Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Sea Week

This week we have been learning to make connections between what we read. I enjoyed making the GIF because I have never done one before and it looks cool.  It was hard too because it was hard to get the right speed.
I learnt that over 60% of rubbish is under the sand. I think we should stop making plastic pollution by using paper instead and by using paper more than once. I think this because even making paper wastes trees and wood and the machines power to make it.


February Reflection

We are reflecting on what we have been learning in February. I enjoyed the Crime Scene work because you had to find out who the robber was. I think I have improved the most in Writing.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Wednesday, 24 February 2021


for lent I am giving up tv and I am going to try and pray every night and promise to do more jobs. Lent is when you give some thing that you like for 40 days every day in till Easter

hand writing activity


Thursday, 18 February 2021

Friday, 12 February 2021

the treaty of waitangi


Blog Profile 2021

Hi my name is Braden. I am 9 years old. I have a sister, a brother and I go to St Mary's School .

My favourite subject at school is maths. I am good at soccer and running. I enjoy touch rugby and playing games. My goal  for this year is to get better writing.

This year I am looking forward to going to the interschool cross-country and playing soccer.